Fantastic uses of baking soda

English: Cookin Crack to Enhance the effects o...

Reportedly, baking soda  is about the most useful substance used around the home. Read about lots of stuff you can do with it!

In fact, there are over 40 fantastic uses attributed to it.  It is a valuable substance and makes a perfect stand-in for many personal care, cleaning, and deodorizing products.
Interestingly, baking soda comes as cheap as the common table salt.

Primarily, baking soda has about three  important properties, but its applications are versatile.
1) It has a special ability to keep things neither acidic nor alkaline, more like a neutralizing property.
2) Baking soda has special cleaning properties
4) Baking soda is also ascribed to have medicinal properties
A few broad applications of the baking soda:

-Baking soda removes dirts, oil and grease and hence can be used to wash dishes, cooking pots, floors and tiles
-Baking soda neutralizes odors and hence its used to freshen smelly oven, smelly microwave and smelly appliances
-Baking soda is said to neutralize insect bites

Waoh! All these functions for a little money?

Yes because, valuable things at times come cheap!  Think about it!

This article is meant to call attention to this valuable household item.. It blows the mind the world of things this ‘little’ item can do!  The internet is a good resource.  Try to find out more

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Watch Clip: 5 Baking Soda Beauty Secrets

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